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  • Writer's pictureBryn Morin

Have you heard about HRV?

HRV stands for Heart Rate Variability and is a key biomarker for both mental and physical health. We tend to think of our heart as having a steady rhythm, but actually... it speeds up a little bit every time we inhale and slows down a little when we exhale. This is healthy! The greater the difference in pulse between your inhales and exhales, the healthier you are likely to be. This difference is known as your HRV. What's happening is: - Your inhales activate your sympathetic nervous system, which speeds up your heart and gives you energy. - Your exhales activate your parasympathetic nervous system, which slows your heart and allows your body to 'rest and digest'. If you find it difficult to: - Calibrate your energy levels (so you can gather and use just the right amount of energy for the task or situation you are facing) - Recover after a stressful event or situation - Regulate yourself using grounding / centering / orienting techniques... ... it may be a sign that your HRV is on the low side. The great news is, there are things you can do to improve it! Stay tuned for some ideas of what to try.

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