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  • Writer's pictureBryn Morin

Looking for a quick and easy way to self-soothe?

Here are 3 yoga therapy techniques you can try. 1. Slowly move your eyes from side to side. Try to move through your whole range of motion, and carry on doing this for 2-3 minutes (or as long as it feels good). 2. Massage your 'third eye' (on your forehead between your eyes) by slowly rolling your forehead side to side on a hard surface such as a table, desk, or wooden block (nose hanging down). You can also try firmly drawing an infinity symbol on this section of your forehead. 3. Try a seated forward bend. Pull your toes toward your nose, bend forward from the hip with a straight back, and let your head relax down. These exercises are thought to stimulate the cranial nerves and activate a parasympathetic (down-regulating) response. As always, look after yourself. If something doesn't feel good to you, don't force it! Not everyone will respond in the same way.

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